The documents linked here are mostly draft copies often with pencil markups and often missing the referenced tables and graphs. The fact that DWM kept these drafts must mean they were close to the final versions before final typing and release. At any rate, they make interesting reading!
DWM-1923-Memorandum-IceCover-RiverFlow ⇗
DWM-1939-10-12-Notes-from-Conference-Ottawa ⇗
DWM-1954-11-30-QuebecHydroElectricCommission ⇗
In this extensive letter, DWM answers many questions that Rene Dupuis (and his department?) apparently asked. I suspect this prompted DWM to revisit Appendix E in the 1926 report (next letter).
DWM-1961-04-10-to-ReneDupuis-QHEP-Commissioner ⇗
DWM-1961-04-10-to-ReneDupuis-QHEP-Commissioner-supplement ⇗